BEAST's 3rd year anniversary and Ceci's 18 year anniversary

CeCi  2012 October is BEAST's 3rd year anniversary and Ceci's 18 year anniversary. First, say a word of thanks to the fans who loved you for the past 3 years!

Doojoon  It felt like a long time passed, and it feels like time passed by in a blink of an eye. I want to say please continue to support us to the fans who will stay together with us for even longer.
Kikwang  I'm amazed that the group BEAST has been around for 3 years. The time we spent together brought me happiness and I'm always thankful to the fans. There are a lot of good singers but, on the road of choices they didn't leave and stayed with us. (laughs) 
Yoseob  Unfortunately on the day of our 3rd year anniversary we're going to be overseas. I feel like a boyfriend who has to work on an anniversary. I'm very sorry. Our hearts are heavy as well so, please don't be too upset.
Junhyung  As Korean singers, we are working hard to spread our songs and contents overseas so, I hope you think of us proudly. We'll work harder.

CeCi   You just finished promoting for "It's a Beautiful Night" from your new album. I feel like you had high expectations for self change in this album?
Yoseob  Everything we felt like doing while we were performing for our world tour we tried on stage.
Dongwoon  It was a style of song that we wanted. After choosing it as our title song, regardless of whatever reaction we gained, we thought it was fine if people enjoyed watching us.
Junhyung  To be honest our true selves were let out. The BEAST members are really lively and like to joke around a lot. During concerts we really play around like crazy. Something that surprised me during promotions was that, unlike our performances before, we'd go on stage with no organized form or choreography. The cameramen would probably choose this as the worst performance. You never know where we're going to pop out. During rehearsals we were on this side, but during the actual performance when the camera pointed in that direction, no one was there. We had a lot of fun though.

CeCi   How satisfied are you.
Yoseob  Except for the design, I'm satisfied with everything. We decorated the cover with a mask but because we used glue the mask moves around...(laughs) That's kind of regretful but, I am satisfied with the tracks on this album the most by far.
Junhyung  I can't be 100% satisfied but I'm satisfied with over 80% of it. From now on, more of our suggestions will be considered, and our colour will be more defined.

CeCi   Comeback in 1 year and 2 months, how much of the kpop world changed? 
Doojoon  I was surprised! While we were promoting we only saw 3~4 sunbaes, the rest were all hoobaes.
Yoseob  While we were in the waiting rooms, hoobaes would come to greet us non-stop
Dongwoon  I'm the team's maknae but, in groups that just debuted, people my age were the leader, and it got me thinking about how time flows.

CeCi   What is your favourite song in the album?
Hyunseung  The title track "It's a Beautiful Night". I like it because it's a style we've never tried before. It appeals to the public too.
Kikwang  'When I Miss You'. I enjoy listening to it now more than when the album just came out. I listen to it a lot nowadays, the lyrics really come to heart.
Doojoon  The title track and 'Dream Girl' written by Junhyung. The title track was chosen by all of us and, I personally like songs like 'Dream Girl'.
Dongwoon  Because we all started music listening to R&B, we all like songs like 'Dream Girl'.
Junhyung  I too am attached to 'Dream Girl' and 'The Day You Rest'. It's my first time trying the genre for 'Dream Girl' but, looking at the reactions I think I've succeeded.

CeCi   With lyricists and song writers, some are the type that can finish a song in 5 minutes, and some are the type that take the whole day for one part, what type are you Junhyung?
Junhyung  I'm half and half. If there are songs that seem to work out smoothly, there are some songs where I get stuck at one part for the whole. With 'Dream Girl', I had to travel overseas after I made the instrumental so I completed the song by sending voice recordings back and forth with a friend in Korea. If I just make the instrumental, I feel uncomfortable, as if I left unfinished homework. I can only think that I want to finish the song as soon as possible.

CeCi   Out of all the BEAST songs that came out until now, which one still remains in your heart?
Junhyung  Our debut song 'Bad Girl'. Even when I listen to it now, I remember the anxiety and nervousness clearly. The members all had a difficult process preparing for debut, and with this song a new beginning started.
Yoseob ' Shock'. We met the dance team Prepix and BEAST's colour became more defined. During promotions, because of technical difficulties the MR was removed forcefully and, ironically our talents were recognized because of that and it became a turning point in our career.
Kikwang ' VIU'! It's the ending song at our concerts. It's good to show a cool performance, but I also think it's important to have fun with the audience as well and, this song is just that. Because it's a song where we get to make eye contact with our fans and greet them, it's always fun and exciting listening to it.

CeCi   As the leader, I think Doojoon can define BEAST's personality the best.
Doojoon  Fans think that the members baby Yoseob but, he's actually very manly. Because he's the type to take lead of the mood so if Yoseob is happy then all the members are happy. ( CeCi  And if he's unhappy?) Then we don't pay attention to him. (laughs) Maknae is really kind and funny. It could be very uncomfortable being the only maknae but, I'm very glad that Dongwoon is BEAST's maknae. Junhyung is very mature so I personally rely on him. Hyunseung's thoughts are very peculiar so he's very funny! He's very serious in all affairs so I learn a lot from him. Kikwang is good at everything. I learn a lot from him as well.

CeCi   Now if Yoseob were to explain Doojoon's character on the team?
Yoseob  First of all, he is good at maintaining balance if it starts falling apart. To be honest he doesn't take initiative. (laughs)
Doojoon  If I have to say something difficult then I say 'Yoseob, start the topic first' and when the conversation starts, I'm the type to start talking then. My personality is surprisingly careful. But can I say Yoseob's personality again? Hot-tempered and gets angry easily...

CeCi   What is the 'unexpected Yoseob' that Yoseob thinks of?
Yoseob  I have an image full of aegyo, but I'm not really like that. Dongwoon is the one who has a lot of aegyo, but appearance wise I guess it looks like I have a lot of aegyo. ( CeCi  If you feel reluctant about having the cute image you can pass it on to Dongwoon?) I did but, recently on a show, I won the 'aegyo battle'. 3 years of experience is a lot. I'm kind of worried that I'm going to be stuck with this image. To be honest, I'm close to the definition of a B type guy*. I'm true to my feelings.
Kikwang  Since I was young I always thought that B type guys looked cool. I've known Yoseob for a long time, but Yoseob would do things that would make girls hearts' flutter as if it were nothing since a long time ago. He wouldn't do them on purpose but on 'instinct'. That's why Yoseob is popular. He's a true B type guy.

CeCi   Another B type guy, what is Hyunseung's personality like? 
Hyunseung  I'm very placid. The only things I'm interested in are work, my hobbies, things that revolve around 'me'. My hobby is going on the computer! I never watch TV. Even if I do, I watch it on the computer. I'm the quietest out of the 6.
Kikwang  Even though he's quiet, when he's funny, he's really funny. To be honest he's very 4-dimensional. If you asked a question, while 5 of us would have the same answer, Hyunseung would probably have a different answer. He's developed into the funny type, so the members always tell him to go into variety shows later on. (laughs)

CeCi   I was surprised to hear that Kikwang has a quiet personality. 
Kikwang  When I'm with the members, I'm usually the one to just listen and laugh. I'm amazed that I'm on a variety show when I'm not a very witty talker. People think that I'm loud and funny because I'm on variety. However, I'm surprisingly quiet and manly. Sometimes on the show I'd say some biting remarks for entertainment but, if people say that I'm arrogant because of it, I can't do anything about that. On variety shows, music shows, on the set of a drama, I work hard to try to focus on an appropriate image wherever I am.

CeCi   What is the charming point of Dongwoon that puts him at an advantage overseas?
Dongwoon  A familiar image? And my wits? Ah, I have talents too. ( CeCi On 'Invincible Girls 2' your humor code was on a roll.) Um, I think they broadcasted a lot of the parts where I was witty.
Junhyung  He accustoms himself really fast. Even when we meet a foreigner overseas, he has a really long conversation using a few words he knows. Every time I see that I think, "Wow, he can get along really well."

CeCi   The reason why Doojoon can be the 'first place boyfriend idol'?
Doojoon  I don't know when I started to get that nickname. I don't understand too.
Yoseob  If I was a girl, Doojoon will be the first place boyfriend. He won't get mad if the girlfriend messes up, and I'm pretty sure he won't be able to say "let's break up" unless you mention it first. I'm happy because I know that I won't be dumped. (laughs)
Dongwoon  There is a lot of Doojoon hyung's image that has been made for him. His image is packaged really well. If you got a well packaged gift, it's about time you undo the ribbon and rip the wrapping paper off…
Junhyung  It's about time Doojoon came down

CeCi   If Doojoon was a girl, who would you want to choose as your girlfriend?
Doojoon  Yoseob or Dongwoon? Depending on how tall I am in girl form, if I was tall I'll go for Dongwoon and Yoseob if I was short.

CeCi   On one program, Hyunseung admitted that he don't use his money if it is not worth an investment. So, which member do you think is worth the investment these days?
Hyunseung  Investment? Kikwang is high. Since he is the busiest. (laughs)

CeCi   Junhyung, if you can choose a member you want to give a solo song too?
Junhyung  First of all, I can write sad and depressing type of songs really well. For that type of genre, I think Dongwoon or Yoseob will match well. Yoseob has been recording guides for my songs and since Dongwoon can express much more emotions, I would be happy to work with them if I get the chance.
Dongwoon  I want to do a duet song with Junhyung hyung. Kind of like 'Pretty Enough' (Verbal Jint & Sanchez). I actually asked hyung about it too. ( CeCi  Can we anticipate?)
Junhyung  Of course.

CeCi   If you look back to when you debuted, can you feel that you have changed?
Junhyung  In the past I took small things and thought about them as big things, getting hurt easily. Now, instead of thinking about the negative comments, I work hard for those who see me positively. If the fans like it and think it's right then everything is good. It's also confidence that I've gained from having fans.

CeCi   We saw Yoseob show tears a while ago saying thank you to Kikwang on 'Hello'.
Kikwang  When Yoseob grabbed my hand, I told myself that I'll reply with a funny reaction, but I was really surprised! 'Hello' wasn't the typical crazy hectic atmosphere variety show, it was still a variety show! However, the past is the past. Even for me who thinks that the present and the future is the most important, I still have the scars in my heart as a trainee. I can understand why Yoseob suddenly cried. 
Yoseob  I was talking to Kikwang when the word 'friendship' came out of my mouth, then suddenly I felt the wave of emotions. Since the members are friends before anything, there are times when we are really close and times when we just get by. That mixed with my thankful and apologetic heart towards Kikwang made my tears fall. I was surprised too.
Dujun  Everyone is like that because we all went through hard times.
Junhyung  There are a lot things I'm bitter about when I look at what we went through before debut. Even now, I think to myself, "Why did all these things happen to me." I don't think it's right for me to forget what happened then.

CeCi   Then, Kikwang laughed trying to make Yoseob feel better by saying, "I didn't know we would get this far too." What do you feel looking at BEAST now?
Yoseob  To be honest, I was filled with some strange confidence even before debut. I was shocked at first because the first album didn't have the success we thought it would have. But, we believed that it will work out in the end. We did well until now and we still have a long way to go.
Doojoon  First of all I am happy. It isn't an easy thing to be loved by so many people and last this long in the entertainment world. I don't think we came all the way here purely based on luck too. We worked that much harder and even though the award for that might be too much for us, I want to congratulate us. 
Dongwoon  You don't know anything for sure. We can do better than what we are doing now. If you started something, you need to keep at it until the end. I want to be the father who tells my children that your father was this type of person.

CeCi   There must be good things being the youngest Dongwoon.
Dongwoon  When we have something we are not pleased with the company and the director, I just have to sit there quietly among the hyungs. Doojoon hyung is usually the one who leads, Yoseob and Hyunseung hyung surprisingly have a loud voice, and Junhyung hyung and I are quiet.
Junhyung  But before we go, we are the loudest. (laughs) To be honest, I can have problems with one person, but when I see them face to face, my heart grows weaker.

CeCi   Are there times when you wish you weren't the youngest?
Dongwoon  Everyone treats me well because I am the only youngest one. But at the same time, I get made fun of a lot. A few days ago, we all played a game together. To be honest, everyone is bad at the game, but when it's my turn they always say, "Wow, you are so bad!" I was really frustrated so I deleted the game quietly. Even though I ended up re-downloading the game in case I seemed too childish.

CeCi   BEAST members are now heading into your mid-20s and there are more rookie artists under you guys. Aren't you nervous that your 20s are just passing by?
Hyunseung  I don't put any emphasis on the number 20. I just think that age is just a number. I am the not the type to make any long term goals. However, as the years pass by nowadays, I think a lot about my future. Just 1~2 years ago, I used to think that my future was still far away. I think I will do well as a producer. I am confident that I will manage the team color and member formation the best. I know that it is a lot of work and it is stressful, but I want to try it out. Not some idol group, but a sensational team. 
Doojoon  I want to keep the energy and innocence associated with the term "idol group" as long as I can. I haven't regretted anything until now. I would be lying if I say that I don't think about the past from time to time, but I don't regret anything.
Junhyung: I think right now is the time I can amplify my talent. This is why I try to live a busy life and not be lazy. Even after drinking with my friends, I head to the recording studio with a sour stomach thinking to myself, "I shouldn't be doing this." I tend to be hard on myself.
Junhyung  I think right now is the time I can amplify my talent. This is why I try to live a busy life and not be lazy. Even after drinking with my friends, I head to the recording studio with a sour stomach thinking to myself, "I shouldn't be doing this." I tend to be hard on myself.
Kikwang  I hope that I spend a 20s that I can be satisfied with, but I still have a long way to go. I still have a lot to do, a lot of things I want to do, and a lot of things to accomplish. I have a lot of greed. I think that I need to accomplish at least 80% of the things I wanted to do in my 20s to live my 30s well. Even before comeback, I start the day by writing 4~5 things to do that day on a memo pad. I spend the day circling each thing on that list. I believe that I will be able to accomplish larger things by accomplishing little things each day.
Dongwoon  I am an idol singer right now, but I will have to build a lot of skills so that I will be able to be called a singer who knows his music when I reach my 30s. I think it will be the best if we can do our own activities and group activities freely like Shinhwa sunbaes. Also, I want to carry the BEAST name. Because I am so happy right now.
Yoseob  I wish that we will continue to do well like right now and then go down slowly with a good image. I don't know when that will be, but many amazing idols will replace BEAST's position. There will be a time when BEAST will have to come down from the peak and we will have to make our 2nd life good. It's funny that I am thinking about coming down already, but we think about the reality often like this. If we are going to have to come down sometime, I am saying, "let's not fall back all at once. Let's come down slowly and nicely as we wave our hands."

Behind the Scenes  Right around sunset we started the photo shoot for the cover with BEAST. A small accident happened. Doojoon and Yoseob opened the champagne bottles used for props too early. The members' eyes all widened as the cork flew out with a 'pop'. Amidst the sounds of the urgent shutter noises from the photographer, BEAST burst out into laughter. Between the splashing champagne you could see BEAST's true image that they stowed away for awhile. Doojoon and Yoseob excitedly spraying the champagne, Dongwoon and Junhyung playing along with the other two, Hyunseung taking a step back to prevent his clothes from getting wet, and Kikwang who just closes his eyes tightly with his hands in his pockets. On the day of the photo shoot, Yoseob and Kikwang seemed very tired because of a cold, but with this happening, everyone's endorphin level rose up. It was a day where waiting for their turn, or the members turn after changing outfits, hair, and makeup took longer than the actual photo shoot itself. BEAST would sing along to the songs that played in the studio and conversed with each other. You could see them playing games on their phones together as well. The 'idol group' community where you have to always stay in the same place together. What a drag this would all be if their relationship wasn't so tight. If BEAST continues to move forward, 80% of it probably because of the members' synergy. I assume this from being in the same location for half a day but, there aren't many guys like this nowadays.

yongjunna@B2STRISING (SCANS), 

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

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