

U-Kiss' Eli supports Bigstar's comeback

U-Kiss charismatic rapper Eli updated his Twitter on 5th October with a new photo.

He is seen holding Bigstar's new album in the photo above and poses with the member of Bigstar.The photo was taken at the waiting from of KBS Music Bank, U-Kiss performed "Stop Girl" on the show while Bigstar made their comeback with "Think".

Eli mentioned,"Yo whats up! check out Music Bank today! And dont forget to support my Dongsaeng's BigStar the are coming bak today! "Think" hwaiting!

Photo Source: Eli's Twitter

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Super Junior's Siwon supports TVXQ's comeback

Super Junior's Siwon tweeted a new photo to support TVXQ's comeback.

He mentioned,"Yunho hyung Changmin ah...have been waiting for this album for such a long time so i took two ^^ CATCH ME! This album is daebak!"

He is seen holding two TVXQ's albums in the photo above,have you watched TVXQ's comeback performance on Music Bank and Music Core?

Photo Source: Siwon's Twitter

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Girl's Day's Minah watches fireworks through the car's sunroof

Girl's Day's adorable member Minah updated her Twitter with a new photo.

She said,"Wa fireworks~~ It’s so pretty but looks like I’m going to my next schedule?^_^ Still I opened the car ceiling for a moment, it was a great spot to watch."

That's a pretty great idea to watch fireworks,agree?

Photo Source: Minah's Twitter
Translation: Kimoleon @ Girlsdaydaily

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

f(x)'s Luna poses with her first Immortal Song 2 trophy

f(x)'s Luna impressed with her superb performance on Immortal Song 2.

She performed Magma's "I Can't Know" on the show and won the first place,check out her flawless performance below,congratulations Luna!

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Who are TVXQ's ideal women?

-Do you have any words of advice for your junior idol groups?
(U-Know Yunho) First, I would like to tell them to foster good relationships with other people. I would like to tell them of the importance of greeting people (T/N: bowing when you meet someone). Because they’ll probably be singers for a long time. I also want to tell them to relax and take things in stride. It may seem as though we’ve always been doing well, but we didn’t become successful overseas overnight in countries such as Japan; we took it one step at a time and worked our way up. Through that process, we learned so much. We may have become conceited if we had been successful from the beginning, but that process gave us the opportunity to whip ourselves into shape as musicians.
(Choikang Changmin) I want to tell them to enjoy it. Our juniors are all people who have realized their dream of becoming singers, which they’ve held in their hearts from when they were young. Of course, it may feel like singing is a job at times, but how boring would it be to think of singing as nothing but a job? So I want to tell them to enjoy it.

-Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ craze is phenomenal. As one of K-pop’s representatives, how do you feel about the Psy syndrome?
(U-Know Yunho) Though we are envious, we’re also really happy for him. When we first made our overseas debut, Youtube wasn’t used as much as it is now. Now, it’s changed so that K-pop is able to spread all over the world. I believe that we have to help spread the K-pop craze.

-What do you think is TVXQ’s weakness?
(U-Know Yunho) Because we’ve taken on so many intense songs, I think that’s what has shaped our image. This could be a forte, but it could also be a weakness. I think about what we should do to change and evolve from this.

-Are you the fourth in line in SM after Yoo Young Jin, Kangta and BoA?
(U-Know Yunho) Since we’ve been with the company for a while, I think they ranked us for fun because they want to give us the treatment they believe we deserve. Haha. Of course, we’re not low in the ranks. Even when we get on a plane, they sit Kangta with (Kim) Min Jong, and BoA with us.

-You recently became a family with celebrities such as Jang Dong Gun, Kang Hodong and Shin Dong Yeop through SM’s subsidiary SM C&C.
(Choikang Changmin) I used to watch Kang Ho Dong and Jang Dong Gun on TV when I was in elementary school, so I still can’t believe that we’re now in the same company. (laughter)
(U-Know Yunho) I believe that the growth of the company will help give more support to the company’s celebrities. It’s great when the company does well.

-Who is your ideal woman?
(Choikang Changmin) I’d like for her to be someone who I can be comfortable around. I want to have fun with her like a friend, even when we start dating. Oh, and in terms of appearance, my ideal woman for now is Han Yeseul. It’s changed from Han Gain, Kim Tae Hee and Lee Nayoung. (laughter)
(U-Know Yunho) I’d like her to be sunny and considerate. It’s because I’d like to lean on her when things get rough. It doesn’t matter if she’s a celebrity or not, but I’d like for her to be understanding of the work I do. In terms of appearance, it will always be Jeon Ji Hyun for me.

-What are TVXQ’s future plans?
(Choikang Changmin) I think we’re going to focus on performing in music programs. We’re also planning to appear in more variety shows than we did during our ‘Why’ comeback. I’d really like to appear on ‘Radio Star’.

-What is a goal you would like to achieve in the future?
(U-Know Yunho) I want for us to be a long-running team. We’re kicking off a world tour this year, and I’d like for us to visit as many places as possible. I’d like for TVXQ to be a team that people eagerly wait for because we hold many fun and enjoyable concerts. It doesn’t matter if the concerts are at a small-scale. I really want TVXQ to hold a solo concert at the Madison Square Garden in New York where we held a SM Town concert. It was amazing to hold a SM Town concert in the same place that Michael Jackson once stood in.
(Choikang Changmin) I went to the Shinhwa concert, and it was great to see them performing together for their fourteenth year. I would like for us to be together for a long time like them. I’d like to showcase a new side of TVXQ that people haven’t seen that often, whether it be through acting or variety shows. I really hate the belief that an idol’s lifespan is short. I want to break that stereotype. Oh, and I would like to perform in countries of passion such as Spain and those in South American for our world tour.

-Any last messages you have for yourself?
(U-Know Yunho) I’d like to tell myself not to be sucked into the life of U-Know Yunho as a celebrity. Of course, I have to live as U-Know Yunho when I get on stage, but I’d like to be the country-boy Jung Yunho when I’m not on stage. As Jung Yunho, I want to experience what most people my age go through. So I always make the effort to figure things out by myself, without the help of our manager, when I’m not on stage.
(Choikang Changmin) The fact that I fearlessly took on SM’s offer when I was in the 7th grade was a lucky break for me as it led me to become a singer. There are times when it gets rough, and there are probably going to be rough times ahead, but I want to tell myself not to feel pressured and to enjoy it.

Source: [star news]
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Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

TVXQ, “Nine Years As Singers.. Our Sense Of Responsibility Has Only Grown”

The two-member group TVXQ has returned to their fans’ side for the first time in one year and eight months with a new Korean album. TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho (26) and Choikang Changmin (24) released their sixth studio album ‘Catch Me’ at the end of September. For the first time since releasing their fifth album ‘Why (Keep Your Head Down)’ in January, 2011, TVXQ are greeting their domestic fans with new songs in their latest album.

During their hiatus from the domestic scene, TVXQ successfully completed a tour in Japan and have reached a new level of maturity as musicians and human beings. They met with a total of 550,000 fans during their Japanese tour in the first half of the year. The event proved once more that TVXQ’s popularity is still soaring in Japan.

It has been eight years, getting close to nine, since the group released their debut single ‘HUG’ in January, 2004. They have been popular since their debut, and that popularity soon spread overseas. This would lead most to fall to mannerisms. But even now, TVXQ are still hungry for new challenges. This is the critical reason why they have not fallen to complacency.

Their new album has incorporated a sense of softness to their signature intense style of music to better approach the general public. They have stepped up to another new challenge.

The song that best represents this is the group’s title song ‘Catch Me’, which was composed and written by SM Entertainment’s star producer Yoo Young Jin. ‘Catch Me’ is a song that has a powerful electronic sound, but also has a melody that is relatively easy to sing along to.

The new album takes on a variety of genres, with a track list featuring a remake of ChaniMini’s bright and bubbly ‘Dream’, a medium-tempo ballad ‘How Are You’, and a rock number ‘Getaway’. It can be said that the new album reflects TVXQ’s musical capability and their endless aspirations for trying something new.

I sat with TVXQ, who had matured in many levels but still had a child-like innocence about them. TVXQ’s first performance for their sixth album will be during KBS 2TV’s ‘Music Bank’ on the 5th.

-How do you feel about your comeback?
(U-Know Yunho) I think our hiatus from Korea was longer than expected. It didn’t feel that long for us because we were performing overseas. But when we returned, we felt bad when we realized that our domestic fans had been waiting for us for a long time. We were planning to come back earlier, but it took us this long because we wanted to show that we had improved and grown. Our last song ‘Why’ emphasized our strong intensity, so we wanted our new song to better appeal to the public. We tried to balance out our unique style of music with a chorus that was easy to follow. We’ve always taken on new challenges, and this was yet another chance to show off something new. It’s only the beginning, and my heart is already pounding with anticipation. I still feel a bit of pressure because we haven’t performed yet.

(Choikang Changmin) It feels like it’s been such a long time since we had our last Korean comeback when I hear people say that it’s been a year and eight, nine months. But for us, it doesn’t feel that long because between our last two domestic albums, I think we’ve sung ‘Why’ over a hundred times during our Japanese concerts.

-If you could give us an introduction of your latest album?
(U-Know Yunho) There are a lot of genres incorporated into the album. If we compare it to our last album, there are more songs that are similar to the bright tracks of our first album. There are songs such as ‘Dream’, which has a distinctive 90′s melody, ‘How Are You’, and a rock number ‘Getaway’. I think ‘Catch Me’ is a song that is easy on the ears, but hasn’t lost our distinctive style of music. We want to perform music that isn’t always a set in a specific style, even if we fail. This is why there are so many different genres in our new album. I want to hear, ‘TVXQ are like chameleons.’

-What was the most memorable moment of the last year and eight months?
(U-Know Yunho) We broke our own record for the most audience members at a Korean singer’s solo Japanese tour. We met with 550,000 fans during our latest Japanese tour. The most we had ever met with was 300,000 people. I was so moved during the two performances at Tokyo Dome that I cried my heart out for the first time since I made my debut. When our fans held a special event for us, I felt so grateful to be able to stand on stage in front of them.
(Choikang Changmin) Of course, our Japanese tour has been the most memorable moment. I’m usually the kind of person who wears himself out. I used to always think, ‘Why can’t I do this,’ when I made a mistake on stage. But I didn’t feel that at all this time around, and I made the effort to enjoy it from the beginning to the end. Even when I made a mistake, I would think ‘I’ll do better next time,’ and move on. One of the reasons why I changed is because of the Japanese movie (‘Fly with the Gold’) that I filmed during the Japanese tour. It was so hard to do both things at the same time, but I found that I could do it once I started. I was stressed out at first because I had to act in a foreign language, but I later found myself enjoying it. This process helped me change into a person who makes the effort to enjoy his work.

-It’s already been close to nine years since you made your debut.
(U-Know Yunho) We’ve been doing nothing but staring straight ahead, but when I look around now, I find that we’re sometimes the most experienced celebrities when we go to broadcasting companies. There are now people who want to become singers after hearing our music. Our sincerity and sense of responsibility has only grown with the passing of time.
(Choikang Changmin) I heard that Girls’ Generation recently celebrated their fifth anniversary. Hearing that, it made me realize how long it’s been since we made our own debut. (laughter)

-Then do your juniors find you difficult to approach?
(U-Know Yunho) In the case of Girls’ Generation, I think they think of as friendly older brothers who they can be at ease around. Haha. But I think they find us difficult to approach at the same time. I think that’s the best relationship to have (with our juniors).

(continued in part 2)

Source: [star news]
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Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Lee Kikwang thanks Win Win colleagues

Lee Kikwang has stepped down as MC on ‘Win Win’.

BEAST’s Lee Kikwang had his last recording for KBS 2TV Win Win  on the 4th of October.

Due to busy activities, there were issues on planning a suitable schedule for him. After a long frustration, it was decided that he will be leaving Win Win.

On October 4th, Lee Kikwang wrote on his twitter, “Fans, thank you very much. Thanks very much for watching till the end. Because of everyone, I can live,” while expressing his grateful heart.

It then followed by, “During this time, thank you for everyone who loved Win Win. SeungWoo-hyungnim, JaeHoon-hyungnim, Sugeun-hyungnim as well as every production crew members, who always took good care of me as the maknae dongsaeng, thank you very much, and I love you. Thank you,” revealing his close relationship with Win Win colleagues.

Meanwhile, BEAST will be meeting fans as they start their ‘BEAST ZEPP TOUR 2012 We’ on October 10th in Sapporo.

Trans: MrsDooB2uty @
Source: News Wave

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

BIGBANG’s fans fight break out at Alive tour in Singapore!

Fan vs. Fan Fight break out at BIGBANG’s concert in Singapore!

Kicked, elbowed, pushed, scratched in the face and tufts of hair clawed out.

Certainly not what you’d expect from a concert but this is exactly what two fans at last weekend’s Big Bang concert got for their money’s worth.

20-year-old students, Wendy Wong and Sim Xuan Wei, were first-hand victims of extreme violent fan behaviour during the full-house show at the Indoor Stadium.

Having paid S$231 each for the mosh-pit where fans can get up close to the stage and band members, they said they expected some pushing and shoving, but never in their life were they prepared for what happened.

When one of the band members, G-Dragon, threw his black jacket in their direction at the mosh pit, about 20-30 fans launched themselves towards the jacket to grab it for themselves.

“The jacket flew towards me and I was covered by it. The next thing I knew, I got pushed onto the floor as the group of fans around me fell,” Sim said.

“For a while, I lost sense of what was happening and grew breathless, and I could only see legs around me,” she added.

About five people were grabbing onto G-Dragon’s jacket and one teenage fan even squatted on the floor with two hands pulling the jacket with all her weight, Sim recounted.

“She had a broken Big Bang light stick with sharp edges in one hand and she accidentally scratched my face with it when she pulled the jacket toward her,” Sim said.

“When I told her she scratched my face, she just smiled at me and didn’t hesitate to do it again, waving her broken light stick around without thinking how dangerous it was,” she added.

When Wong tried to pull Sim off the ground and out of the chaos, she was attacked by other fans in the tug-of-war over the jacket. She described them as mostly young and in their teens.

“There was a tall guy in his 20s standing behind us and he just grabbed my hair and didn’t let go. (I think) he thought that I wanted the jacket but I was just trying to get my friend up,” Wong said.

In the end, two slightly older fans dressed in working attire helped the duo out of the desperate situation.

“When I went home that night, I had bruises all over my body and a bunch of my hair fell out because of all the hair pulling”, said Wong of the harrowing experience.

The pandemonium lasted about 10 minutes and the two students described the fans to be completely irrational and behaving “like animals”.

Both girls also said none of the security crew near the stage came to their or other fans’ help.

The experience has left Wong and Sim, both ardent K-pop fans who also like 2NE1, with a bitter taste.

“I paid for the mosh pit tickets to enjoy the music and the atmosphere but ended up being attacked by other fans. It’s so not worth it,” Wong said.

Another K-pop fan Esther Shen, who was in the same mosh pit, also experienced violent fan behaviour of her own and was elbowed in the face.

“While I can understand their excitement, I’m shocked (that) fans actually get violent towards each other. I got elbowed in the face,” Shen said.
Wong said it happened every time a Big Bang member performed a “fan service” — such as giving eye contact or throwing items from the stage such as towels, t-shirts, jackets and even sunglasses — triggering a human tsunami as waves of bodies pressed forward to grab the items.

Source: @YahooSG

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

DBSK wants SHINee's "Replay"

In a recent interview, Choikang Changmin of DBSK confessed, “I want SHINee’s “Noona, You’re So Pretty” which never gets old no matter how many years pass.” He shared that: “Even if I listen to it now, it’s nice and refined. During that time, I was doing promotions for “Mirotic”. I kept telling SHINee “I really want your song,” and, “This song should have been ours.”

U-know Yunho then joined in with, “If we were greedy and took “Noona, You’re So Pretty”, the lyrics nor the title would be called “Noona, You’re So Pretty”. It suited them well because they are SHINee and I definitely like it a lot.” We suggested that they can do it at a performance. Yunho answered, “If we were to do it, I’ll wear a Taemin wig. Changmin, you can be Key or Jonghyun,” causing a lot of laughter at the interview set.

Source: The Star

Translated by: kimchi hana @

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Changmin, “My Shotgun Debut Left My Mind In Chaos”

TVXQ’s Choikang Changmin talked about how he ended up passing his audition for SM Entertainment.

Choikang Changmin will appear on KBS2′s ‘Story Show Do Dream’ on the 6th of October to talk about suffering from his inferiority complex.

The singer stated, “Before I made my debut, I had never once considered becoming a singer,” and “I was scouted on the street and asked to come in for an audition. My mother encouraged me to go because ‘I could see BoA’, and that’s how I became a trainee in SM.”

He continued to say, “Because of my shotgun debut, the extravagant lifestyle that accompanied it felt unfamiliar and I just couldn’t adapt to it. It felt as though I was wearing clothes that weren’t the right size, and I was internally in a state of confusion and chaos.”

Choikang Changmin revealed, “But when we returned to being rookie singers in Japan and saw the faces smiling back at us while we performed on a small stage, I thought, ‘I can bring joy to other people.’ That moment helped transform the young boy who didn’t really have a special dream into someone who dreamed of becoming a singer.”

Meanwhile, Super Junior’s Eun Hyuk and Kyu Hyun are set to appear on the show with TVXQ.

Source: [TV Report]

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Happy Birthday to EXO-M's Lay! #LoveLayDay

Birth Name: Zhang Yi Xing
Stage Name: Lay
Super Power (Badge): Heal (Unicorn)
Nickname: Xing Tuo
Date of Birth: October 7, 1991
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Chinese
Hometown: Changsha, Hunan, China
Education: Hunan Normal University High School
Specialties: Guitar, dancing, piano

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Happy Birthday to MBLAQ's Thunder ! @MBLAQCD #HappyDoongieDay23

Birth Name: Park Sang Hyun
Stage Name: Thunder @ Cheondoong
Date of Birth: October 7, 1990
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 65 kg

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

G Dragon performs "Crayon" on Infinity Challenge

Check out G Dragon's "Crayon" performance on Infinity Challenge!The reactions and expressions of the  members of Infinity Challenge are simply priceless.

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

EXID performs "Every Night" on Love Request

EXID perform their new song "Every Night" on Love Request,check out their amazing performance below

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

BTOB's Unusual sight of Overseas Fans

BTOB has personally met around 1000 fans nationwide.

Up to October 3rd, BTOB have held fansign in Ilsan, Jongro, Gimpo, Yongsan, Mokdong, as well as Daegu, Busan and more.

Depending on the city, they have personally autographed for about 100~150 fans while spending a good time with them. During this 2nd mini album promotions period, they have communicated with around 1000 fans. BTOB is also famous for their close contact with their red carpet photoday and many more variety of fanservices.

According to a representative, BTOB’s fansigns did not only involve local fans, but also, fans from overseas were present too, which proves their global popularity. In conjunction with Chuseok, overseas fans wore Hanboks and even passed their personally made rice cakes to BTOB.

Also, with their 90s retro vibe title song, ‘WOW’, fans in their 30s~40s participated the fansigns too, creating an atmosphere with various age groups.

As BTOB released title song of a New Jack Swing genre, ‘WOW’, which helps those who set ears to reminisces of those times, as well as their unlike-rookie abilities and stage manners, they have presented a real model as 2012 best rookies.

Trans: MrsDooB2uty
Source: Newsen

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

BTOB ‘Full of Smiles’

Group BTOB has revealed a picture filled with happy smiles at Busan’s Haeundae beach.

On the 3rd, BTOB wrote on their official twitter, “We have ended our fansign, and are now playing at Haeundae. It’s completely great”, together with a picture.

In the picture, with a late night scene as a background, BTOB was seen in comfortable outfits while having a happy time on the beach. Especially Hyunshik and Changsub’s funny yet smiling expressions, have caused laughter among those who set eyes on it.

Meanwhile, in another picture, the boys were seen at a fansign in Busan, where more than 150 fans participated. Till last week, they have held fansigns for about 100 fans each in Ilsan and Jongro, as well as 150 fans each in Gimpo, Yongsan and Mokdong.

Netizens who saw the pictures, commented, “The members’ good relationship, it really makes me happy looking at it”, “BTOB’s really warm” and many more reactions.

Meanwhile, BTOB is currently promoting for their 90s-vibe title track, ‘WOW’

Trans: MrsDooB2uty
Source: Osen

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

An Exceptional Brotherly Love

The exceptional brotherly love of JYJ’s Park Yoochun and Park Yoohwan has been revealed.

On the 3rd, MBC Every1′s ‘Weekly Idol’ aired a corner titled ,’BEST Idol Families Chosen by Idols’.

Third place went to JYJ’s Park Yoochun and his younger brother, Park Yoohwan. With the older brother making his debut into the industry as a singer and the younger brother following him as an actor, the two celebrities have showcased an exceptional love for each other.

For the past eight years, Park Yoochun has worn a bracelet that Park Yoohwan gave him, and it is said that he presented his younger brother with a car to celebrate his drama debut. He also attended the press conference of Park Yoohwan’s debut drama, showing all his affection and love for his brother.

Source: [TV Daily]
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Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Girls’ Generation Appears on ‘Nico Nico Douga’ in Japan

On October 5th, Girls’ Generation appeared on “Nico Nico Douga”, a Japan-based streaming website that is similar to YouTube. During the show, the members talked with three hosts about a dance cover contest and gave advice on performing the choreography of four of Girls’ Generation’s Japanese title tracks.

Girls’ Generation’s appearance began with an introduction of a dance cover contest that will take place through the “Nico Nico Douga” website. Fans participating in the contest will perform a dance cover of either “Genie”, “Gee”, “MR. TAXI”, or “Oh!”. Videos of the cover performances will be uploaded to the “Nico Nico Douga” website, where there are already hundreds of Girls’ Generation dance cover videos. Winners of the contest will have the opportunity to perform in front of Girls’ Generation at a fan event in Japan in November. Taeyeon said, “I’m looking forward to seeing the covers live. I’m interested in how long they practiced, and I would like to meet them soon.”

In the first half of the show, the three MCs played several examples of dance covers as the members of Girls’ Generation commented on the performances. During one of the dance covers, Yuri said that she liked the performer’s outfit and that the performer was even better than the members of Girls’ Generation when they first tried to dance to “Genie”. The members also tried to guess who the dancer was copying, saying that it was either Sunny or Sooyoung.
Afterwards, Girls’ Generation stood up to imitate a dance performance being played on a large screen in the background. This dance was originally performed by Hatsune Miku, a virtual singer with a female persona. The MCs then played “Genie”, “Gee”, “MR. TAXI”, and “Oh!”, and asked for tips on how to perform the dances.

The show ended with a request for a “saranghaeyo” (editor’s note: “I love you” in Korean) pose from all of the members, who made heart signs with their hands for the camera, and a closing comment from Sooyoung, who said, “I’m very happy that so many people skillfully cover our dances. It’s to the point where we want them to dance in place of us when we catch a cold or are not feeling well. We are moved from such perfect dances. Please support us in the future, and please submit many entries.”

Check out Girls’ Generation’s appearance on “Nico Nico Douga” below.

Cr: soshified

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

f(x)'s Victoria & Krystal for Marie Claire

f(x)'s Victoria and Krystal appear on the latest issue of Marie Claire magazine.

Sporting the watches from "Marc By Marc Jacobs",the girls are as gorgeous as usual,check out their pretty photos below

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

BEAST's Kikwang reveals adorable selca

BEAST Kikwang updated his Twitter on 5th October with a new selca.

He said,"Selca after a long while".

2AM's Jokwon who saw the picture commented,"Kikwang is still adorable,don't get old at all",Kikwang then replied,"haiz,what did you say Kwon,we are getting older",then Jokwon replied,"we first met in high school and now we are 24~!".

Fans commented after seeing the picture,"Kikwang is cute","good-looking" and etc.

Photo Source: Kikwang's Twitter

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

IU releases "The Saem Harakeke" new CF + Interview clip

Check out the longer version CF of The Saem Harakeke featuring IU.

Bonus- Interview + BTS video

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

BEAST’s Lee Kikwang confessed, “I will push variety activities to MBLAQ’s Lee Joon”

BEAST’s Lee Kikwang confessed during the recordings of Idol Manager, “I will push variety activities to MBLAQ’s Lee Joon.”

On MBC’s ‘Idol Manager’ 8th episode, MBLAQ arranged a remix version of their song for GyeongJu Hallyu Dream Concert. Also, some fellow idol groups will reveal the results of the questionnaires about MBLAQ.

The questionnaire consists of 3 questions. “Which member do you wish to recruit from our team?”, “If you have a sister, which member would you introduce to her?” and, “Which member seems to watch pornography the most?”

Towards “Which member do you wish to recruit from our team?”, BEAST have voted for Lee Joon. Lee Kikwang explained the reason to it, “If he enters into our team, wouldn’t he be a great pair for Doojoonie as the mood makers?”  Followed by this, SaeRom (MBLAQ’s manager) asked, “He’s a variety-dol like Kikwang, so if he becomes a team with you, you could push some (variety program activities) to him, isn’t it?” and Kikwang answered, “Yes, I will push it to him now.” His ‘bomb’ has caused those on the set to burst out laughing.

Meanwhile, other fellow popular idol groups (BEAST, Infinite, Sistar, After School, A Pink, B1A4) have also answered towards the questionnaire. The results will be revealed on the coming 5th at 6PM on ‘Idol Manager’

Trans: MrsDooB2uty
Source: TV Report

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

f(x)'s Victoria supports TVXQ's comeback

f(x)'s leader Victoria shows her seniors some love.

She shared on her Me2day earlier today,"Everyone~ Have you seen TVXQ! seniors' comeback performance? Wasn't it really awesome? hehe Congrats, congrats~~~ Waiting for [the comeback performances" today and the day after tomorrow ^^"

She looks adorable as usual in her latest selca,agree?

Photo Source: Victoria's Me2day

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

TVXQ is back with "Catch Me" & "I Don't Know" on Music Core

TVXQ is back!!

Check out their powerful performance on Music Core,are you a fan of their "Dragon Dance" in "Catch Me"?

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Bigstar "Think" on Music Core

Rookie group Bigstar made their comeback with "Think" on Music Core,check out their cool performance below

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Kang Sora suffers wardrobe malfunction

Kang Sora dressed prettily at the blue carpet of the 17th Busan Film Festival,she was very friendly while walking the blue carpet,shaking hands with fans and greeted her fans nicely.

However,wardrobe malfunction happened when she suddenly stepped on her dress and caused the zipper to tear,luckily she was able to grab her dress quickly to prevent further exposure.

Anyway,she was amazing wearing the red dress at the blue carpet!

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

f(x) walks the blue carpet of the "17th Busan Film Festival'

The gorgeous girls of f(x) attended the 17th Busan Film Festival yesterday,check out the photos taken at the blue carpet below.

I am totally a fan of Victoria's new hairstyle,how about you?

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

SNSD releases new "Ace Bed" CF

SNSD is back with new CFs for "Ace Bed",do you know the secret behind a good sleep?

Then check out the videos below

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

SHINee's Minho supports TVXQ's comeback

SHINee's Minho posted a new photo on SHINee's Me2day.

He mentioned,"Our Hyungs hwaiting!Catch Me daebak!"

He is seen holding 2 different versions of TVXQ's new album in the photo above and poses with Changmin and Yunho.

Fans commented,"Catch Me daebak","SM Family","three flawless people gathered".

Meanwhile,TVXQ made their comeback with "Catch Me" on Music Bank on 5th October.

Photo Source: Osen

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

121006 Music Core performers list

♬ Comeback Stage
- TVXQ『I don’t know』『Catch me』
- Gain『Bloom』
- Lee Seok Hoon『Because I Like You』
♬ Special Stage
- BOB4『YouaHolic』
♬ Good-bye Stage
- Mighty Mouth(feat. Jevice Juri)『During This Time』
♬ Hot stage
- SECRET『Poison』
- FT Island『I wish』
- Orange Caramel『Lipstick』
- Rania『Style』
- 100%『Bad Guy』
♬ Sound-HOLIC
- ChAOS『Kiss Kiss』
- OFFROAD『Be bop』
- She’z『UU』
♬ New Song
- BIGSTAR『Think』
- Navi『Don't Go』
- Mr.Mr『Who’s that girl』
- 24K『Come Here Faster』
- SKARF『My Love』

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Rainbow releases dance version "Candy Girls" PV

Check out the adorable choreography of Rainbow's new Japanese single "Candy Girls",the girls look cute as usual in the PV.

Rainbow will make their Korean comeback in November,do you anticipate their comeback?

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

TVXQ impresses with MR Removed clip of "Catch Me"

TVXQ made their comeback on Music Bank with "Catch Me" on 5th October,they impressed again with their flawless live singing ability,check out the MR removed clip of their performance below.

How many points out of 10 do they deserve?

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

Hyuna-Doojoon, Exchanged glances, Couple shot revealed

A few pictures showing Hyuna and Yoon Doojoon exchanging glances as couple were revealed.

On October 4th, Shoemarker has revealed some photoshoot scenes which includes manly Yoon Doojoon, who’s an ideal type for many female celebrities, and cute yet sexy 4minute’s Hyuna.

In the advertisement, both of them transformed into couples, while emancipating a lovable atmosphere. Both of them sat on the sofa naturally and interprets a couple’s act. In their black and white outfits, they have both successfully express the stylish and chic concept.

In particular, Yoon Doojoon wore his personally designed shoes, presenting his fashion sense. BEAST collaborated with one of Shoemarker’s brand, JimRickey, and introduced a casual yet durable fashion sneakers. Hyuna was seen leaning on Yoon Doojoon’s shoulders. With her perfect body and elegant vibe, Hyuna looked at charismatic Yoon Doojoon with an affectionate gaze.

A representative of Shoemarker expressed, “During the initial stages of the photoshoot, Yoon Doojoon and Hyuna stared at each other awkwardly and couldn’t stop laughing. But as time goes, they’ve completed the photoshoot by putting on a professional yet mature attitude. In fact, Hyuna’s part in the advertisement was to interpret a shoes terrorist. It isn’t easy to do this.”

Hyuna and Yoon Doojoon’s exchanging glances and their conversation can be viewed through Shoemarker’s advertisement.

KR-CN: Viva_Dujun尹斗俊吧
CN-EN: MrsDooB2uty @
Source: Newsen

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

4minute fascinating Zebra skirt attracts attention

4minute has emancipated their captivating charms.

During the broadcast of Mnet’s ‘Gyeongju Dream Concert’ on October 4th, 4minute performed ‘Volume Up’.

After ending their promotions in May, 4minute has once again put on a strong, charismatic, and mature feminine image on stage. In particular, their zebra skirts have attracted attention. 4minute’s exceptional concept as well as their captivating charms further made them stand out even more.

Meanwhile, 4minute ended their 3rd mini album promotions during this year’s May, and is in the midst of preparing a new album, as well as participating in various variety programs.

Trans: MrsDooB2uty @
Source: Newsen

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

TV Drama Magazine featuring Jaejoong and Yoochun!

JYJ's Jaejoong and Yoochun are featured in the current issue of TV Drama Magazine.

The scans have been shared online and you can see it below.

Credit:  @raiterie + @miccho0123

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net