KARA reveals Gyuri's version for 'KARA The ANIMATION'

On March 09,  KARA revealed  Gyuri's version for KARA THE ANIMATION.

Previously it was announced that  KARA would get animated in  KARA the ANIMATION as a 5-episode series with each episode featuring one member. The series will be aired on Japanese's NOTTV channel.

The 1st episode featuring Gyuri has just been revealed.  Gyuri played a girl working in explosive ordnance disposal team of special police in Mexico. One day a bomb planted in the police station by a gang. The gang is upset that their plan was prevented  Gyuri and gang boss Ekushito, vows a declaration of war against  Gyuri. To counter the attack,  Gyuri confronts the gang in a secretly developed armored Police unit. 

Watch the 1st episode below:

Credit: comtrya, KamiliAsanama
Written by Jenny@DKPOPNEWS

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

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