

FT Island's Lee Hongki defended himself against netizen's traffic violation accusation

FT Island’s  Lee  Hongki suddenly has his foe online.
It started when he posted a photo with his new scooter on his twitter account saying, “Puhehehehe my new friend! Yellow color!.”
Without his knowledge, a netizen saw that photo and found something wrong--- it doesn't have a license plate. That person took a step forward and posted online saying, “Because of violating proper vehicle management and street traffic laws, I reported FT Island’s Lee Hongki to Seoul Police Department Traffic Control Safety Division."
But Lee Hongki answered back on his twitter. He defended, “Do your proper research before saying and doing something against me. For your information, I bought it yesterday that's why it doesn't have its license plate yet. And the scooter was parked in front of a store, so there's no problem even if you can see a red light on my photo ^^.”
The netizens found Lee Hongki's response as rude. How about you?
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Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

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