

Get inspired with 2PM's Nichkhun's meaningful tweets!

Obviously,  2PM's Nichkhun Horvejkul had learn so much from his 25 years of existence. He loves to express his substantial thoughts in his twitter where you will surely think deeply before getting the meaning of those. 

Get inspired with his tweets:

Learn a person the way you learn a new language. Never compare them to your own because they're never the same.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) September 21, 2013

Sky's the limit!! Just get on your bike and start riding towards your dreams!! Have a happy day people!! = ]
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) September 19, 2013

Your orginality is a mixture originates from other origins that form together to make you ORIGINAL. Don't forget to thank them. = ]
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) September 17, 2013

When you learn to love yourself others will too. But...... maybe not this much.... hahah
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) September 1, 2013

Embrace all your imperfections. They are the keys to unlock the better you. = ] Or just hit space bar between the M and the P. = b
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) August 26, 2013

Every window presents a different opportunity. Find the ones that best fit you.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) August 18, 2013

You can either say "I lost" or "I've won myself that defeat". Which loser do you choose to be? Have a 'won'derful day people!! = ]
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) July 16, 2013

Focus on nothing and maybe you'll see the whole picture, blurry but fair.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) July 16, 2013

If you want it then make it happen. Don't wait for a generous person to hand it over to you. That rarely happens.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) July 13, 2013

Don't lose hope. Somewhere out there someone cares. Let's make our world better. Together. = ]
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) July 11, 2013

Education exists in whatever your heart accepts.Open up your mind and let urself be taught by everything, EVERYWHERE.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) July 5, 2013

Choose the right ingredients for the perfect recipe to make the perfect dish. Same goes to everything in life. = ]
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) May 27, 2013

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) May 22, 2013

Being the odd one out doesn't necessarily mean you're excluded. It also means you stand out. Photo by me. = ]
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) May 18, 2013

Let the smallest and least significant things in life inspire you and you will find a whole new meaning to your existence.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) May 17, 2013

Suppress the beast within you dont get rid of it.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) April 15, 2013

"Life Of Pi" An amazing story with so many hidden messages. Face your fear, and one day when you're ready, it will become ur best companion.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) March 30, 2013

Doesnt matter if you work in a sewer or you're a prime minister. You can inspire others without knowing it. Good day~
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) March 24, 2013

Nice clothes can make you look better, but they can never make you a better person. Why not spend more time improving who you are inside?
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) March 11, 2013

Life is like a bank. If you don't put your investment in there won't be anything in return.
— นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) February 28, 2013

Did you learn something? 

written by:
SOURCE: @Khunnie0624 

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

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