

Super Junior's Heechul says "I don’t have any pictures left to upload"

What if you woke up one day, and then you realized you don't have anything to upload on your social networking sites?

Perhaps, Super Junior's Heechul took that dilemma seriously. But Taeyeon was there to talk to him. Read the conversation below:

"Taeyeon: You are suppose to upload when you have something to upload. But you are making something to upload instead.
Heechul: Oppa don’t go poop when he has to go. I just make myself want to go.
Taeyeon: You just do what you want, huh
Heechul: so your oppa is the best best guy? ;D
Taeyeon: Best best guy :O :O
Heechul: Indonesia? India Nesiya*? O_O
*(인도네시아= Indonesia / 인도 네시야? = It’s four in India? (pronounced as Indo Nesiya) aka pun)
Taeyeon: No, it’s 10
Heechul: You aren’t hitting back to my rhyme
Taeyeon: Rhyme is lemon lime
Heechul: Please is Lee Sora-ime"

His IG followers also gave pieces of advice like:

"Ok Give me the original account"
"Do not give up"

You? What will be your piece of advice to him?

written by:
SOURCE: sup3rjunior

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

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