[NEWS] T-ara team up with TTOMA to help raise money for the less fortunate!

Girl group T-ara has teamed up with worldwide known cartoon character TTOMA and will help raise money for the less fortunate.

T-ara entered into a contract with TTOMA company to make TTOMA character "oxygenated drinks" called TTOMA O2 BIEN and spread the word about them.

T-ara has participated in various volunteer activities in the past. Last winter, they donated necessities for elderly and provided free meals for the less fortunate. They've also volunteered helping people with disabilities and making donations as well as during the Japanese nuclear accident.

TTOMA O2 BIEN are sold in bottle form, and a portion of the sales are donated to helping the needy. On the 23rd, T-ara with their label mates Davichi and Gangkiz, will participate in the opening ceremony "Fruit of Love" with an autograph event.

T-ara, Davichi and Gangkiz commented, "We'll do our best to help those in need when we can."

T-ara are preparing for their Japanese tour in June as well as opening their official fanclub on July 14th and holding their first solo concert this summer.

Source: N

Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem

Source : http://www.dkpopnews.net/2012/05/news-t-ara-team-up-with-ttoma-to-help.html

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