Running Man Race Start Season 2 in Singapore! Even if you’re a non-fan, you might know that the Running Man members were in town over the weekend. After all, not only was the fan meeting, Running Man Race Start Season 2, reported in the media, the fan meeting itself was also trending on Saturday night!
Running Man is a South Korean variety show that airs every Sunday on SBS. Since its first airing on 11 July 2010, it has seen many guests, from super idols, heavy-weight actors and actresses to athletes on national teams, appearing on the show, many of them are fans themselves. Running Man holds a very special spot in many fans’ hearts. The superbly creative games week after week, the camaraderie when the Running Man members play against the invited guests and the betrayal when everyone gets all competitive, making very compelling and addictive draw for the fans.
It probably wouldn’t even be an exaggeration to say Running Man is more popular than many K-dramas! For one, it’s definitely lasted longer! And which variety show do you know that actually does asia tours like Running Man does?
Last Saturday evening we saw fans turning up in full boisterous and spirited support for the fan meeting at Star Vista. If last year’s maiden asia tour, Season 1, was a success, then this year’s Season 2 was an even bigger success with a bigger venue and turnout.
Although it would have been even lovelier to have Yoo Jae Suk and Kang Gary to make the full seven-member line-up, it was obvious the five members, namely, Ji Suk Jin, Kim Jong Kook, HaHa, Lee Kwang Soo and Song Ji Hyo, who came tried their very best to make the fans feel the love.
Race Start Season 2 started at 7:50pm and opened with all five members, clad smartly in all-black outfits, crooning ‘My Destiny’ from the perennially popular ‘My Love From the Star’.

After the opening item by the group, all five took their seats for the Q&A session with local host Danny Yeo. True to their on-screen persona, there was lots of banter and joking around as they answered the questions. Only Kim Jong Kook spoke in English; his command of the language seems above-average and it was great to be able to communicate with him without the help of the interpreter. And yup, everyone said they loved Singapore!

Then the cast changed into more comfortable training gear and started Running Man-style games with lucky fans picked by the cast themselves! Lucky fans who were onstage got hugs and photos! Lots of very warm fan service everywhere!

After the games came the solo stages. It kicked off with Ji Suk Jin’s English number, a 1977 oldie by Billy Joel, Just The Way You Are. He actually sounded quite good! Lee Kwang Soo was up next, and he too picked an old favourite. He showed off a little of his piano skills as he crooned Bogoshipda (I Miss You) from the 2003 drama, Stairway to Heaven.
Ace Song Ji Hyo was next and she sang Scent Of A Flower from her TVN drama, Emergency Couple. She was simply dressed in a black-and-white animal print top with black skinny jeans, exuding simple chic. When she was done with the song, she did not leave the stage and proceeded to launch into another song. Not just another song! She’d picked LeeSsang’s Turn Off the TV!! Unfortunately, Gary wasn’t there, so no Monday Couple for the Singapore fans. But HaHa and Kim Jong Kook came out to perform with Ji Hyo… Nice!

One of the highlights of the night must be the special Troublemaker stage by Ji Suk Jin and Lee Kwang Soo. Ji Suk Jin wore a platinum blond wig and pretended to swag it all out like Hyunseung. Lee Kwang Soo, complete with long flowing locks and a sexy dress, was Hyuna-wannabe. It was hilariously entertaining to watch them mimic the sexy moves!!
After the high of the Troublemaker stage, out came Kim Jong Kook to mellow everyone down with the ballade One Man. The singer continued to charm the audience despite his slight cold with his own cool rendition of Maroon 5′s Sunday Morning.
Fans were in for a treat as HaHa unleashed the reggae musician in him and let him out to play. As HaHa belted out special remixes of his songs, the audience got to their feet. Trust HaHa to bring the party mood out and turn it all up. Fans left their seats to gather at the front of the stage and those who remained at their seats were standing and grooving to the beat. Truth be told, even some Kpop artists were not able to move the audience like HaHa did on Saturday night. Great job, Haroro!
When HaHa’s done with this remixes, Kim Jong Kook came to join him and the duo put up a fabulous performance of Twist King. The encore segments were AMAZING!!
Yes, encore segmentS. First was the almost obligatory encore, fans even carried out a special event for the Running Man cast after the first encore. Lights were dimmed and everyone started waving their lightsticks or cellphones and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. When the song ended, the screen flashed “Go ma wo” (Thank you) and “Sa rang hae (Love you).

The organizer also wheeled out a cake and Ji Hyo was so overwhelmed with emotions that she started tearing! And Ji Suk Jin led everyone into cheering; he would say ‘Go ma wo’ to the fans, and the fans would yell back ‘Sa rang hae’. It was so nice!
Then came the second encore, and everyone’s spirits were even more exuberant! So much screaming and singing along! And oh, the Running Man cast even did the traditional bow for the fans! It was obvious they felt the love from the fans.

After they had gone after the second encore, and the lights were turned on, nobody in the audience was expecting them to return to the stage. BUT THEY DID! They came out for a third encore! By then it was plain to see the Running Man members felt so loved and they could not bear to leave. It was an almost magical moment for both the stars and the fans; one could feel the connection and the love so strongly!
So I saw, Singapore loves Running Man. And Running Man loves Singapore right back!
p.s. Ji Suk Jin said, “See you next year!”
Thanks to ONE for bringing Running Man members to Singapore and inviting us to witness the high popularity and charms of the members. For those who wants to watch Running Man on TV, new episodes of Running Man premiere on Fridays at 11.45pm first and exclusively on ONE. Repeats air on the following Friday at 7.40pm, as well as on Saturdays and Sundays at 11.15pm.