Lee Dong Wook Personally Asked Lee Da Hae to Be His “Hotel King” Drama Co-Star

Actor Lee Dong Wook revealed the behind-the-scenes story on how actress Lee Da Hae was cast for upcoming drama, “Hotel King.”
On the episode of MBC’s “Section TV: Entertainment News” that aired on March 9, lead actors Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae made appearances as guests to talk about their new drama, “Hotel King.”
These two talented actors have combined their star power before for “My Girl,” a wildly successful drama that aired about 8 years ago. “Hotel King” will be their second project together since then!
Actress Lee Da Hae revealed how she came to accept the role in the drama saying, “Lee Dong Wook asked me if we could do it together.” Lee Dong Wook added, “When I found out that the director of ‘Hotel King’ had Lee Da Hae in mind for the part, I called Lee Da Hae up myself and asked her point-blank if she wanted to do it.”
“Hotel King” will start airing on March 29.
Source : soompi[dot]com
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